
All of the content, links, images, and opinions expressed herein are mine alone and do not reflect the position of the United States Government or the Peace Corps.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Learned a few things lately....

So here's a couple things I've learned recently:

  1. There are 71 people (including myself) in the group scheduled to depart for Rwanda on October 20th. About 50ish are English teachers, with remainder teaching math and/or science.
  2. For my pre-servivce training, I will be living in Nyanze (less than 60 miles outside of Kigali)
  3. During pre-service training I will be living with other volunteers in a house (with an undetermined number to a house), along with our language/cultural instructors
  4. I will not be living with a host family during pre-service training or at my final site placement (though I could be living with other staff from the school I work at, or something like that)
  5. The school year in Rwanda runs from January to the beginning of December, with about a 5 - 6 week gap between the end of school of December and the beginning of the new school year sometime in January. This is apparently a prime time for vacation and travel home.
  6. The Peace Corps (PC) Education Program in Rwanda is basically two-pronged: teaching students directly, and working with teachers themselves. The first year is apparently focused on direct student teaching, and then, after you have experience, you will be asked to do more work with assisting in the training of teachers.
  7. This is only the second group of education volunteers being deployed in Rwanda, and the first group was only 23 volunteers (but there have been a couple other groups of health volunteers). There were also about 14 transfers from Mauritania (PC pulled out of Mauritania last year). What does this mean? It means for nearly all of us in this group, we will be heading to sites which are new and where PC volunteers have not served (at least not since pre-1994).
  8. At first, packing seemed like something that could be kind of fun. I was totally and utterly incorrect.
  9. Time does not pass at a constant rate, anyone who believes it does is just plain wrong. The question for me is, at what rate will time pass starting from now until about January 1st, 2013?