Quick update, still working off the same laptop charge from before I arrived here, so this will be quite brief so I can try and squeeze one more post out of this battery...After that I'll try and figure something out.
I’m at my site, it’s Day 10 (I think), and I’m starting to adjust to life here, even though I haven’t started actually teaching yet, or have my housing situation resolved.
I will begin teaching in a few weeks time, until then I’ve been hanging out in the teacher’s room at school, observing a few lessons by other teachers, and talking with some students. You can imagine they are amazingly fascinated by my presence.
Housing still in flux, and the original plan of me moving into the room on the school compound is being scrapped, for various reasons, particularly the latrine issue. Bottom line is that Peace Corps will not approve that living situation because there are various things which make it different from the original “plan” for the needed renovations.
The new plan is finding a suitable house in the local area, which I’ll be attempting to do over the next few days, but so far I’ve had very little luck with. So yes, I’m still in a glorious state of limbo that is a source of never ending frustration. However, the Peace Corps’ insistence that I must find a house, and not the room in the school compound I was going to have does seem quite positive, since hopefully, at some time I’ll have a house with neighbors and not isolated in a room by the school. I remain very cautiously optimistic…
Anyway, it’s been raining a lot here, which I don’t mind, but rain in my village shuts down transport in and out of the area because it’s all dirt roads and the road just turns to mud which cannot be driven through.
It looks like Kigali will be my best bet for a PO Box, hopefully I’ll accomplish that in the next few weeks. As you might imagine, I’m rather hesitant to leave my site at all until I resolve a permanent housing situation, but I’ll give an update once I do get a PO Box…I mean, of course I want people to be able to send me stuff! I’ve burned through a crazy amount of the candy that arrived when I was in Kigali for swearing in…But I have been running in the morning usually and brushing my teeth frequently...
Funny side note about running, everyone refers to it as “isporo”, which makes me laugh because in my head I’m thinking “Yes, I’m going sporting”…
Anyway, I’ll try a
What I would give to see one of the classes between Dylan and these kids... Let's just say I would give a lot.