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Saturday, December 25, 2010

Home Stretch

(Wrote this yesterday, just did not get around to posting it until today).

So the final stretch is here, only about 10 days left and I’ll be getting dropped off at site by the white Peace Corps vehicle, and then reality will finally hit…

But for the moment there’s a really busy week ahead, full of more Tech sessions and PST evaluations and of course, language proficiency interviews (LPIs). But even though this week may be packed with more things, I’m actually more at ease because Model School is finished. And although my Kinyarwanda is still quite crude and induces a lot of laughter from Rwandans, I’m confident that I’ll pass the language part of this week’s tests/exams. It’s just kind of surreal, actually going to my site and settling in. PST here in Nyanza with tons of other trainees is all I’ve known…Apparently that’s about to change in a big way.

And Christmas here is kind of weird, especially since the usual reminders that it is in fact Christmas are absent. It’s still celebrated, but only as a religious holiday, not the same mixture of cultural/commercial celebration like back in the States…People go to pray, and everyone says noheli nziza (Merry Xmas in Kinyarwanda), and there is one bank in town with a small fake tree in the lobby, but otherwise there isn’t much to signify this time of year. And oh, that’s right, did I forget to say Merry Christmas to everyone? But wait, is that obligatory in a blog entry not specifically addressed to anyone in particular?

That aside, those of you who know me are aware that I’m not one to get all that excited about holidays and things like that, at least not observably so. That being the case, for me it’s just a nice bit of relaxation and down time before this coming week of being busy and accomplishing all the necessary things to be allowed to swear in on January 3rd. Did I say January 3rd? Damn that’s fast approaching, but at the same time it’s hard to believe that I still haven’t even begun my two years of service here in Rwanda.

Today has mostly been relaxing and watching movies at the center, but last night did involve some rather amusing Xmas Eve festivities, including a white elephant gift exchange, a talent show (my apologies to Far Side for refusing to participate, I hope you all understand), some french fries and chicken, and of course, music and dancing. I haven’t exactly been a fixture in the evening social scene, largely because of the difficulty in commuting between the town area and where I live, and probably in part because as many of you know, I can be quite socially lazy (I think phrasing it that way sounds best, doesn’t it?).

Anyway, I hope everyone back in the States is having a nice Christmas and I wish you all the best!

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